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Follow me and unlock the most intriguing islands on our planet!

Welcome to my blog about exploring fascinating islands worldwide. Join me to discover hidden gems, rich history, and stunning landscapes. here I share captivating stories, photos, and insights on diverse cultures and adventures. Whether you’re a traveler or armchair explorer, be enchanted by the allure of these islands.
"Why do you visit the same place if there are so many unexplored corners on the Earth?!"

- Marc Levy


The most dangerous island

"We can’t choose where we come from but we can choose where we go from there."

The title of the most dangerous island on Earth has been worn by the North Sentinel Island of the Andaman archipelago in the Bay of Bengal for several centuries. A mysterious tribe of Sentinelese lives on it, about which almost nothing is known to science. The explanation is simple: the islanders do not let strangers closer than a shot from a bow, and even throw stones at helicopters flying too low.

The last victim of the Sentinelese in 2018 was 26-year-old US missionary John Allen Chau. The young man decided to convert the natives to Christianity, but was shot with arrows on the shore.

"Travel is an investment in experiences and knowledge that enriches your life beyond measure, transcending mere possessions."
Aggi Clark


"Matryoshka" Island: an island in a lake on an island in a lake

Canada’s Victoria Island is the eighth largest in the world, but that’s not what makes it famous. On its surface is a "geographic nesting doll": an island in a lake, located on another island in another lake.

An unnamed island in the shape of a seahorse, 300 meters long from north to east, is surrounded by the waters of a small lake. It, in turn, is located on the territory of another island, which is also located on the lake. The distance from the south coast of Victoria Island is about 90 km.

"The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land."
Alex Larins
IT ingeneer
"This island is a real wonder of the world and its unique nature is a reminder of the value of our life."
Samuel Willson
"Once you get traveler’s fever, you can’t be cured of it and will be infected with it for the rest of your life." © Michael Palin"
Sarah Lewin


The youngest island

At a distance of about 970 kilometers from Tokyo in the middle of the ocean is a small island that appeared on November 20, 2013. And this event was caught on camera: the Coast Guard happened to pass by and filmed the volcano emerging from the water. However, unlike small similar islands, the volcano did not disappear into the ocean, but continued to grow and has now become a full part of the Bonin Islands chain.


"Green" record-breaker island

New Guinea — the second largest island in the world (after Greenland) — is located in the western Pacific Ocean, 2.3 thousand kilometers north of Australia. It is a complex mosaic of ecosystems, from lowland jungles to high grasslands with peaks higher than Mont Blanc.

99 scientists from 9 countries found that New Guinea has the richest island flora in the world. There are 20% more species here than in Madagascar or Borneo.

The richest species family are orchids, and almost a third of the species are trees. 68% of the plants in New Guinea are endemic.


Lost in the ice island

This island was discovered by researchers from the University of Copenhagen. They stumbled upon the land during an expedition in July 2021. At first they thought they had reached the island of Oodaak, not far from Greenland. Until now, it was considered the northernmost land on the planet. Later it turned out that there was an error in the GPS navigator — he gave out an unknown island as Oodaak.
Oodaak Island is located about 700 km south of the North Pole, and the new island is 780 meters northwest of Oodaak.

Unfortunately, the recently discovered island may well be short-lived. It rises only 30−60 meters above sea level. "No one knows how much longer he will last. In principle, it can disappear as soon as a new powerful storm breaks out, "the University of Copenhagen said in a statement.

"Each person has their own stars. One - to those who wander, they show the way. For others, it's just lights."
Kevin Clarke


Surtsey Island — the youngest island in the world

Did you know that the youngest island on the planet is actually not that young and comparable in age to a 50 year old person? Back in 1963, a powerful underwater volcanic eruption formed a platform of cooled and hardened lava in the Norwegian Sea off the coast of Iceland. Thanks to this event, November 14, 1963 became the official birthday of the island of Surtsey. Despite the incredible youth of the island by geological standards, the island is currently actively inhabited by various plants and birds, which feel calm there due to the absence of any predators.
In order to allow nature to develop without human influence, a decision was made to completely isolate the island. Despite the ban, tourists have already tried to grow potatoes on a deserted island, which, however, was immediately dug up after the discovery of seedlings of the plant.


Madagascar is the oldest island on the planet

"It doesn’t matter if the hotel is good or bad, cheap or expensive. You go into the room, and there you see disposable soap, disposable cups and you yourself understand that you are also disposable here. Maximum two times."
Kate Moones
Madagascar was first settled by humans about 2000 years ago. Madagascar’s settlers were either Indonesians or people of mixed Indonesian/African descent. Arab traders arrived on the scene around 800−900 A.D. when merchants begin trading along the northern coast.
The first known European to see Madagascar was a Portuguese sea captain, Diogo Dias, who spotted the island August 10, 1500, after he was blown off course on the way to India. He named the island St. Lawrence. Later in the 1500s the Portuguese, French, Dutch, and English all attempted to establish trading settlements in Madagascar. All of these failed due to hostile conditions and fierce fighting by local Malagasy warriors.
Europeans first got a foothold on Madagascar in the late 1600s when pirates ruled the eastern coast of the island. These pirates used Madagascar as a base for attacking ships bringing goods back to Europe from India. In the 1700s, the French attempted to establish military positions on the east coast but again failed. By the early 19th century the only settlement the French could claim was the island of Sainte Marie.

Meanwhile, during the 1700s, the Sakalavas of the western coast established the first kingdom of Madagascar. In 1810, their rivals, the Merina, established a kingdom over most of the rest of the island. Their king, Radama I, established relations with the British and opened the country to English missionaries who spread Christianity throughout the island and transcribed Malagasy into a written language. Under Radama’s reign, a miniature Industrial revolution brought industry to the island. After Radama’s death, he was succeeded by his widow, Ranavalona I, who terrorized the country for 33 years by persecuting Christians, evicting foreigners, executing political rivals, and reviving the custom of killing babies born on unlucky days. After her death, relations with Europe were restored.
In 1883, France invaded Madagascar and by 1896 had established rule over the island, which became a French colony. France used Madagascar as a source for timber and exotic spices, like vanilla. The Malagasy had two major uprisings against the French, in 1918 and 1947, but the country did not gain independence until June 26, 1960.
In 1975, Didier Ratsiraka took control of the country. He ruled Madagascar as a dictator until he was overthrown in 1991 amid an economic collapse. He regained the presidency shortly thereafter and ruled until losing a contested election in 2001. The new president, Marc Ravalomanana, promised to bring democracy to the country. Having gotten his start selling yogurt on the streets from the back of his bicycle, Ravalomanana built a business empire and became Madagascar’s richest man. As of 2005, he is still president and the economy continues to improve.


Bouvet Island is the most isolated and coldest place on the planet

Bouvet Island, Norwegian Bouvetøya, islet in the South Atlantic Ocean. One of the world’s most isolated islands, it lies about 1,500 miles (2,400 km) southwest of the Cape of Good Hope of southern Africa and about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) north of the mainland of Antarctica. Of volcanic origin, it is rocky and almost entirely ice-covered, with ice cliffs surrounding the coast. Landing is extremely difficult on the island. It has an area of 23 square miles (59 square km), rises to 3,068 feet (935 metres), and is uninhabited.

Bouvet Island was discovered in 1739 by the French navigator Jean-Baptiste-Charles Bouvet de Lozier (1705−86), for whom it is named. It was rediscovered by a German expedition in 1898, and Norwegian expeditions to the Antarctic in the 1920s claimed it for Norway as a potential whaling station. The Norwegian flag was first hoisted over the island in December 1927; it was annexed to Norway by royal decree on Feb. 27, 1930. The island was declared a nature reserve by the Norwegian government in 1971.
"Every dreamer knows that it is absolutely real to miss a place where you have never been even more than where you have been."
Alexis Larinss
"Travel leaves you speechless, and then turns into a better storytellerю"
Sam Green
Graphic designer
"Every dreamer knows that it is absolutely real to miss a place where you have never been even more than where you have been."
Kevin Lewis
Travel blogger
"When traveling, it is important not to forget the main thing — when one thing ends, something else begins."
Andre Carlotte


Point island — is an island within an island with an island within an island

"Some people are high, like mountains, others are deep, like the ocean, others are mysterious, like caves … But regardless of this, in everyone there is a treasure waiting in the wings, intended for one, the only one! The one who is not afraid to go on a journey, conquers the mountains of prejudices, plunges into the ocean of the soul and, having picked up the right key to the heart, opens this very chest with our most secret desire…"

Sounds weird, doesn’t it?

However, such a genealogical entity does exist and is located in the Philippines.
Luzon is the largest island in the Philippines, located about 50 kilometers from the country’s capital, Manila.
In the very center of the island there is a lake, which until recently was part of the ocean. In a unique lake, there is an island with a speaking name — Volkano, which is a real volcanic crater, the caldera of which is filled with yellow water, forming Yellow Lake.
And finally, in the center of the lake inside the volcanic crater there is its own island, Volcano Point, which, due to its unique location, attracts a large number of tourists, replenishing the Philippine treasury well.


Greenland is the largest island on the planet

"… I generally like to leave, because without leaving one city it is quite difficult to come to another, and I like to come more than anything else."

Sarah Smith
Creating a blog about the most unusual islands in the world, I could not ignore Greenland, which, due to its size, is considered the largest island on the planet.
The unique island is almost completely covered with an ice sheet reaching 4000 meters! This feature greatly influenced the possible habitats of the inhabitants of the largest island in the world, providing them with only coastal territories.
The lowest temperatures in Greenland are observed in the center of the island, sometimes reaching values of -60 degrees Celsius.


Kaffeklubben is the closest island to the North Pole.

For a long time it was believed that the closest island to the North Pole is Greenland. This statement was refuted by the famous polar explorer Robert Peary, who found a tiny island back in 1900. When, 21 years later, the first person landed on the island — Lauge Koch — then, without hesitation, the researcher named a piece of land near the North Pole in honor of one of the cafes in his native Copenhagen.
Kaffeklubben Island or Coffee Club Island is an uninhabited island lying off the northern tip of Greenland. It contains the northernmost undisputed point of land on Earth.
The first recorded sighting of Kaffeklubben Island was made by American explorer Robert Peary in 1900; however, the island was not visited until 1921. When the Danish explorer Lauge Koch set foot on the island, it received its name after the coffee club in the University of Copenhagen Geological Museum.
In 1969, a Canadian team calculated that its northernmost tip is 750 metres (2,460 ft) farther north than Cape Morris Jesup, the northernmost point of mainland Greenland, thus claiming its record as the most northerly point on land.
Since its record as the northernmost point of land was established, several gravel banks have been discovered in the sea to the north of the island, such as Oodaaq, 83−42, and ATOW1996; however, there is debate as to whether such gravel banks should be considered for the record since they rarely are permanent, being swallowed regularly by the moving ice sheets, being shifted in tides, or becoming submerged in the ocean.


Bishop Rock — the smallest island in the world

Located in the Atlantic Ocean, Bishop Rock Island is a true Guinness World Record holder. This is the smallest built-up island in the world. The first lighthouse on the island was built in the middle of the 19th century. The lighthouse was built from reliable granite blocks, the total weight of which is about 6,000 tons. The lighthouse is directed to the sky at 49 meters, a helipad is equipped on its top. Until 1992, a caretaker lived at the Bishop Rock lighthouse, and after the lighthouse was automated.
Today, under water near Bishop Rock Island, there are many sunken ships, since the construction of the lighthouse, the number of accidents has decreased significantly. The very first lighthouse on the island was built back in 1849, but it was destroyed during one of the storms. The lighthouse, which travelers can see today, was built in 1858, it has an incredibly strong structure and has experienced more than 30 severe storms every year since its opening. Today, the lighthouse is well equipped, it can accommodate four people, every year the island of Bishop Rock, lost in the Atlantic Ocean, is visited by lighthouse keepers and workers who are involved in its maintenance.

To be continued…

I really do hope that our walk through the most interesting islands of our planet has become a little adventure for you, and soon we will repeat it, but in other amazing places that few people know about.

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